NTHDB- Why Track Teat Health?

Why Track Teat Health?

Teat scoring can provide dairy managers the tool to make educated decisions that improve the health of their herd. Teat health has been a “hot” topic in the field of dairy research over the past several years. This research has provided insight as to the cause/effect relationships existing between cows and the environment they are subjected to. Correlations between teat scores and seasonal changes, machine effects, teat dips and mastitis have been found to be significant in many studies. Teat scoring on a regular basis (monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, …) will provide a powerful benchmarking tool for tracking changes, and even to compare your dairy with other similarly sized dairies in the same region. Also, compiling scores at regular intervals will enable you to observe seasonal trends and their effects on teat ends.

Score = 1

Score = 4

Score = 3

Score = 2

How to Score Teat Ends?

Several scoring systems have been developed to differentiate between levels of hyperkeratosis. The most common and easiest to use is a method developed by Teat Club International (TCI). This system uses a four point scale which assigns the score based on the severity of hyperkeratosis. Learning how to distinguish between levels can easily be accomplished by studying the system laid out by TCI  . The next step to scoring is determining how many cows to score. A commonly accepted rule is to score a minimum of 80 cows or 20% if your herd is larger than 400. When only scoring a portion of the herd, the cows chosen for scoring needs to be done randomly. After deciding the sample size you are ready for the parlor. The following are a few recommendations that will aide in the process:

· Wear gloves, and clean them periodically. This helps prevent the spread of bacteria.

· Use a flashlight when scoring. This provides a clearer image, and will speed up the process.

· Score teats immediately after milking. They are clean and easy to see at this point. Dips and other particles can hide the real issues.

· Wipe any milk droplets from end. This will eliminate confusion and enable you to make better decisions.

Score all 4 teats. Scoring all four teats will provide evidence to determine if a certain problem is isolated to a side or quarter

Text Box: Score                     Description                                                                                                   Illustration
Text Box: No Ring
The teat-end is smooth with a small, even orifice.
This is a tupical status for many teats soon after the start of lactation
Text Box: 1
Text Box: Smooth or slightly Rough Ring
A raised ring encircles the orifice. The surface of the ring is smooth or it may feel slightly rough but no finds of old keratin are evident
Text Box: Rough Ring
A raised, roughened ring with isolated fronds or mounds of old keratin extending 1-3 mm from the orfice
Text Box: Very Rough Ring
A raised ring with rough fonds or mounds of keratin extending 4 mm or more from the orifice. The rim of the ring is rough and cracked, often giving the teat-end a “flowered” appearance.
Text Box: 2
Text Box: 3
Text Box: 4





Teat Ends are scored between 1 and 4, 1 being the highest quality